Wisdom teeth are just as natural as any other teeth we get. But most often, they are wrongly aligned. Causing immense pain and swelling in the gums.
Wisdom teeth removal cost takes in to consideration several factors. The outgrowth of the teeth being most important. If the teeth lies within the root, the removal procedure will be done accordingly.
Impacted wisdom teeth are more costly to remove. Because more complex procedures are required.
If money constraints are a problem. Read how much you save with wisdom teeth removal in Australia.
Factors that Govern Wisdom Teeth Extraction Cost
Your City: This one’s pretty much a no brainer. The amount you must be expecting to pay would be hugely influenced by the cost of living in that city. Your dental surgery would always cost more in New York than a remote village in Texas.
Extraction Type: Tooth extraction can get complicated sometimes. And the more complicated it gets. The more money it costs. Simply put, you can pretty much categorize dental operations into 3 kinds. One is fully erupted. Which are really easy to remove and cost less. The other two (Partial bony and Soft Tissue Impact) being more critical and complicated cost more. The price estimates of these procedures are mentioned below.
The Oral Surgeon: The kind of dentist or oral surgeon you choose also has a lot effect on the total bill. The more professional and experienced your surgeon would be. The more expensive his/her services.
Extra Procedures: While many clinics can offer you free consultation for your dental procedure. It is likely that many would charge you a fee. Additional costs can incur in the form of x-rays. Which can cost you anywhere from $25-100.
Sedation: Complicated wisdom teeth extractions generally require anaesthesia. Which can range from injections in your mouth to inhaling laughing gas. This can bump up the cost by $100-300 depending on the length of the surgery.
How much Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?

Typically, a wisdom tooth removal can cost you anywhere from $75 to $200 per tooth.
A fully erupted wisdom tooth removal would cost just as much as a normal tooth extraction.
These kind of removals are referred to as non-surgical tooth extractions. The price would incline when the wisdom teeth is badly aligned or is impacted.
While an impacted wisdom tooth extraction can cost you anywhere from $200 to $500 per tooth, depending on your location and how severe the impact is.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost with Insurance 2019 | 2018 – 2017
Your insurance provider can be a big helping hand if you’re struggling to pay for dental procedures. Your insurance company would usually provide you with a list of approved dental surgeons and dentists. where you can get the procedure done.
Most of these companies compensate to about 15-50% of the total cost. Or they allow an yearly maximum budget that you can spend on your oral health. The amount of these yearly budgets depend on the insurance provider. But they usually are in the range of $1000-1500.
So in theory, if a single tooth extraction usually costs you $200. You can expect to pay $100-175 for wisdom teeth extraction with insurance.
Average Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal
The average cost of wisdom teeth removal is $350 (including consultation fee, xrays and sedation.
You would also find dentists that would offer you discounts on all 4 wisdom teeth removal at once. The total average cost of all 4 wisdom teeth removal can $2000-3000.
Below are different impact stages of a wisdom tooth and the average costs associated with their extraction.
Wisdom Tooth Removal – Soft Tissue Impact
Wisdom teeth that are surrounded in an insignificant amount of soft gum tissues are referred to as the Soft Tissue Impact procedures.
As this type of dental care technique requires slight operative intrusion, this sort of wisdom tooth removal fee starts with the $225 level, but typically will not exceed the $400 level.
Wisdom Tooth Removal – Partial bony Impact
Once your dental practitioner says that your wisdom tooth is partially impacted, this means that particular section of its crown continues to enclose into your jawbone.
Aside from the gums cut needed in the above-outlined wisdom tooth removal type, the following technique additionally
needs some volume of the bony structures removal.
Hence, the cost of partially impacted wisdom removal is around $275 per tooth.
And this figure would probably fly up to the $450 level.
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Wisdom Tooth Removal – Full Impact
Fully impacted into the jawbone wisdom teeth call for just about the most complex extraction technique possible. And they also cost more.
Aside from the above-outlined supporting gum area cut. Along with the significantly bigger volume of the supporting jawbone extraction measures, such an oral surgical treatment necessitates. Your dental professional needs to divide your impacted wisdom tooth into four parts for a less traumatic removal.
In this way, you are very likely to pay a minimum of $325 for such a complicated surgery.
The highest wisdom tooth removal price mark for it is about $500.
To save up on some cash.
Frequently Asked
Is wisdom teeth removal painful?
No, Wisdom teeth removal is not painful. The pain is controlled by anesthesia and other medications. You may or may not remember or feel anything during the process; depending on the type of anesthesia you’re given. Many patients report pain and bleeding during the recovery period. It is recommended to consult your doctor and strictly follow the instructions to avoid complications that may result in more pain.
Do they put you to sleep for wisdom tooth extraction?
No, you’re not put to sleep for wisdom tooth extraction, but you may be conscious or fully unconscious based on the type of anesthesia used in the surgery. Anesthesia is given to numb your mouth to avoid pain. Usually, a local or general anesthesia will be injected considering the type, budget and complexity of your surgery.
If a local anesthesia is used, you will be alert, awake and feel all the pressure and movement except pain. With general anesthesia you’ll not be able to move, speak or remain conscious. It will be like you’re in a deep sleep unable to feel anything.
Can you be awake during wisdom teeth removal?
Yes, you can be awake during wisdom teeth removal. The choice of anesthesia determines whether you’ll be awake or unconscious during the surgery. If you choose to use a local anesthesia, you’ll be awake and alert with only your mouth being numb. With general anesthesia, you’ll be fully unconscious and deep asleep.
Do they break your jaw to remove wisdom teeth?
No, your surgeon won’t break your jaw to remove wisdom teeth. Not necessarily. In some cases though, if the tooth has to be extracted from within the gums then it is important to cut the gums to pull out the tooth. The gums are sewed later and recover after surgery.
When you remove a wisdom tooth, the jaw weakens and needs to be taken care of for at least 6-12 months post-surgery. There is a high risk of breaking your jaw during the recovery period, if you do not follow your doctor’s instructions properly.
Are upper wisdom teeth easier to remove?
Yes, the upper wisdom teeth are relatively easier to remove compared to the lower ones. The level of ease is directly proportional to the complexity of structure.
Do wisdom teeth cause vertigo?
Too much dental work may cause nausea, abnormal eye movement, vomiting and other related symptoms. If something like this happens, you should consult with your dentist.
Why did my wisdom tooth break?
Your wisdom tooth can break because of lack of space in your mouth. You may experience pain and discomfort caused by crowding that sometimes ends up with a broken tooth.
How should I prepare for wisdom teeth removal?
You should prepare for wisdom teeth removal by consulting your dentist about the following aspects of the surgery:
- Budget
- Type of extraction and number of teeth to be removed
- Anticipated duration of surgery
- Any expected complications or nerve damage
- Recovery
- Food and medications you should be consuming few days before surgery
On the day of your surgery, you’ll need:
- Someone to drive you back to home
- An empty stomach
- Doctor’s instructions about food and medications to be taken days before surgery
- Painkillers (as prescribed by your doctor or over-the-counter pain medication)
- Cold packs
- Comfortable area in your home to rest post-surgery
- What can you not eat after wisdom teeth removal?
You cannnot eat the following foods after wisdom teeth removal :
- Hard and Sticky foods that require your mouth to chew more
- Acidic and spicy foods (including citrus juice)
- Grains (including rice) and Seeds
- Crunchy and crumbly foods like chips, crackers, cookies, popcorn, nuts etc
- Alcohol
Other than these, you should also avoid consuming anything that requires your mouth to exercise more like straws for suction. Smoking, tobacco or any harmful food consumption must be avoided for at least one week.
Reasons to go for Wisdom Tooth Extraction
1. When there is not ample space for a proper eruption. Gum tissues and cells around wisdom tooth become inflamed and irritated. Thus, results in swelling, recurrent pain and cause swallowing and chewing problems.
2. Non-infectious diseases may arise with impacted wisdom teeth. The fluid filled bloats in the jawbone also known as cyst slowly expands and destroys the nearby jawbone. This severe condition leads to removal of wisdom tooth. Since the constant pain is pretty much unbearable for most individuals.
3. If the teeth are very congested and there is no proper space to clean across them. Then, the 2nd molar and teeth in front of wisdom tooth may be adversely affected causing bone loss, gum and cavity infections.
Here is a brief outline of the procedure for wisdom teeth removal
1 . In most cases some type of local anesthetic would be provided before the procedure.
2 . The surgeon then creates a small incision. Exposing the tooth and its socket.
3. If the bone is obstructing the removal of the tooth, it will have to be removed first.
4. The surgeon then extracts the tooth. Sometimes in sections, if it makes the removal easy.
5. Gauze helps pack the wounds temporarily. And stitches to close the incisions.
6. Healing from wisdom teeth surgery requires diligence. We use our mouths throughout every single day. So you have to be cautious and consider what will help and what will hinder the healing process.
For at least a day, you can expect your mouth activity to be limited.
For the next week or so. You will want to avoid anything too strenuous that could put stress on the weak socket and fresh stitches.
Food and drink will obviously be points of concern.
Drink water, and avoid alcohol, caffeine, and carbonation for as long as your doctor recommends. Most doctors avoiding these for least 24 to 48 hours.
About eating, you will need to stick to soft foods for a while, being careful after moving to solids not to chew toward the back of your mouth or consume things that could get impacted in the socket.
Regardless of what you do to prepare for your wisdom teeth surgery. It is utterly critical that you follow the directions of your your dentist or oral surgeon. This guarantees the operation goes smoothly and healing occurs quickly.
Tips for Selection of Wisdom Tooth Removal Practitioner
Consider an oral surgeon over a dentist.
Although a dentist may have the necessary set of skills. And not to mention the right facility. To handle this complex procedure, an oral surgeon is definitely more qualified to handle the case.
Oral surgeons are expert in dental alveolar procedures.
Moreover, he has the much-needed knowledge and the required skill set to address concerns that may arise, before, during and after the procedure itself.
Check the practitioner’s competency and reliability.
It is very important that a patient feels comfortable with the practitioner or the oral surgeon who will be responsible for the case.
And it starts with making sure that the oral surgeon has the necessary credentials that qualify him to practice.
After which, the patient should also determine whether or not he is comfortable with the surgeon.
This too is essential for every doctor to patient relationship.
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/wisdom-tooth-extraction/about/pac-20395268
- https://www.healthline.com/health/wisdom-teeth-recovery
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279590/
- https://www.uthscsa.edu/patient-care/dental/services/wisdom-teeth-removal